The Word on Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The W.O.W.
If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he [God] reveals, they are most blessed. – Proverbs 29:18. Vision is the ability to see the future from a distance. The ability to dream about what can happen both now and in the future. (John Maxwell). Remember the following when you are thinking about your vision.

A God-inspired vision:

  1. Is larger than you
  2. Is more than what you think that you can accomplish in your own strength
  3. Is something that only God can do through you.
  4. Comes from God.

Having a vision will:

  1. Change the way you look at life.
  2. Change the choices that you make.
  3. Change how you react to situations that life brings.
  4. Change how you view your own faults, failures, and false-starts.

Something to Think About

  • What is God doing in your life?
  • What has God revealed to you lately?
  • What is your big, God-sized vision for yourself, family, community, church?
  • What are you doing to bring that vision to reality?

Let us pray:
Holy God, open my eyes that I may see and comprehend what you are doing the present and catch a glimpse of what you have in store for the future.