Lent 2015 | 40 Days of Renewal


Lent 2015 | 40 Days of Renewal
February 18 – April 5

Lent, the period of 40 days before Easter (excluding Sundays), begins on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Saturday, the evening before Easter.

During Lent, we enter into a season of preparation, self-reflection and repentance when we seek to literally “turn around” and realign our lives and focus toward God. It is a time to give up things as well as take on new life-giving practices, helping us rid ourselves of distractions and our own selfish desires. By doing so, we seek to live and love as more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

We ask ourselves what we can get rid of to help us live a better life. We avoid certain foods, refuse to cuss, drink more water, etc. in an effort to suffer for an extended period of time. Observing Lent is meant to be a very positive experience. This season is a time look inward, pray, and sacrifice with God in mind. Yes, there is self-denial, but the end goal of Lent is deeper communion with God and a greater awareness of his love in our lives.
You’re invited to a new Lenten experience. During these next 40 days, we hope you will journey with us to the cross. You will learn about the season of Lent, read Scriptures that challenge and inspire you, ask yourself questions, and have the opportunity to take action in your faith. Our prayer is that God will transform your life, and you will be ready and eager to experience the joy of Easter Sunday.


Use these resources to help guide your 40 day communion with God. 

  • Every year, Development and Peace organizes a campaign called Share Lent. This Lent, the campaign encourages individuals to learn, to pray and to act in solidarity with small family farmers. Use this calendar every day to move from reflection to action, by sowing seeds of faith with our sisters and brothers. Download the Lent 2015 Calendar
  • RethinkChurch is hosting a photo-a-day challenge for participants to share with the community how they perceive each word or phrase for the day. No explanation needed, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Tag them on your instagram photos with @rethinkchurch or on twitter [@umrethinkchurch] with #rethinkchurch and #40days. Download the Lent Photo Challenge

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