REVIVAL 2017: The Spiritual Harvest – In the Overflow

Gethsemane United Methodist Church launches its 37th Annual revival season by hosting Reverend Telley L. Gadson pastor of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church (Taylor, SC) on Wednesday,  November 1, 2017 at 7:00pm.

Rev. Gadson is the former President of the National Black Clergy Women of the United Methodist Church (BCWUMC), whose mission is to  identify, develop, support, and enhance opportunities for the inclusion and empowerment of black clergywomen at all levels of the United Methodist Church.

The church’s revival season is an extension of the congregation’s concentrated focus on reaping the spiritual harvest, where members place an intense focus on connecting with and serving their neighbors. These activities include a monthly communal dinner, to build community and foster dialogue; a FREE monthly mobile market produce distribution to combat the lack of food access in their neighborhood.

The multi-week revival features Rev. Delman Coates of Mt. Ennon Baptist Church in Clinton, MD (November 8, 2017) and Rev. Maurice Watson of Metropolitan Baptist Church (November 15, 2017). The revival culminates during the church’s annual Homecoming Celebration on Sunday, November 19 at 10:00 a.m.

All activities take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at Gethsemane United Methodist Church (910 Addison Road South, Capitol Heights, MD 20743). Community members and guests are encouraged to attend.

Gethsemane United Methodist Church is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ who are being changed through word, worship, and nurture. Located in Capitol Heights, Maryland, the congregation strives to promote faithful service and witness through positive outreach and programs which will excite and encourage all persons to assume a conscious role to build in the community of Christ.